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別名: 最強の詩, Rugby Rumble, Saikyou No Uta
ジャンル: 少年 スポーツ
状態: 進行中
最終更新: . . .
視聴回数: 260


パーフェクト・スクワッドの愛称で知られる16歳以下ラグビー日本代表は、ワールドカップで優勝した後、高校ラグビーの力関係を打ち砕いた。The Japan under-16 rugby team—nicknamed the Perfect Squad—shattered the power balance of high school rugby after sweeping the world cup. With so many former Perfect Squad members in their home prefecture, Rikuzen High’s rugby team has given up all hope of victory and now takes a laid-back approach to training. Enter transfer student and rugby novice Kinzan Yamada. He may be new, but he’s ready for the world of rugby. The question is whether they’re ready for him...


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