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別名: アルキメデスの大戦, Archimedes War, The Great War of Archimedes, War of Archimedes, Archimedes No Taisen
状態: 進行中
最終更新: . . .
視聴回数: 138


太平洋で戦争が勃発する前の1932年、満州を占領し満州国を建国したばかりの日本とヨーロッパおよびアメリカとの関係は史上最低に達していた。In 1932, before war breaks out in the Pacific, Japans relations with Europe and America hits an all-time low after having just seized Manchuria and founding Manchukuo. An air of dread once again envelops the world. In 1933, the great event that will shape Japans fate is being planned in the offices of the Imperial Japanese Navy. In the shadows of history, a lone mathematical genius puts his life on the line and wages his own war for the sake of Japan



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